
This page provides information about booking a place for your stall at the 4th Charity Summer Fair at Crawford Village Hall which will be held on Saturday 13th July 2024 from 12:00 to 17:00

Details of the local charities, groups, and businesses that have booked for the fete are shown on the Stalls list page of this site as bookings are confirmed.

At the bottom of the page you will find answers to some frequently asked questions from stall holders.

Booking a FREE stall

Who can book?

If you are involved with a charity, group or business in Crawford, Rainford, Upholland or adjoining areas why not set up a free stall at the fete to increase awareness or raise funds.
We will add details of all booked stalls to the Stalls List page of this website providing you with free publicity, and a link to your website, prior to the Fair.

Important stuff

Booking will end on the 12th July but as space is limited the application period may end before this if necessary.

As this is a charity event, we rely on donations from all stalls to ensure the charitable profit warrants the continuation of the event.

We would appreciate it if you could help us to share our event on your social media platforms – our event poster can be found on our website and can be downloaded by anyone happy to help us with this.

How to book?

We have an online form that will enable you to enter all the details needed to request a place at the fair. Please read the information on the first page as it may save you time and avoid having your application rejected.

Any questions?

Have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Frequently asked questions

  • Will there be other stalls selling the same as me? You can look at details of all currently booked stalls on the Stalls list page of this site.
  • Will you allocate my pitch? Pitches are not allocated. You will be able to find a space on the day.
  • Do you provide my stall? Afraid not. Just bring a table or whatever is suitable for your activity. A gazebo might be useful if you have one.
  • Is there any power or water? Due to the field location, there are limited services from the hall (electricity, water etc) available for stalls.
  • What time do I need to set up my stall? The fair starts at 12:00 is important that all stalls are set up, and vehicles removed from the immediate area if the parking for the stallholders has been filled, by this time. We suggest you set up between 09:00 and 11.00 to avoid rushing and give you time to get a coffee and chat with other stallholders.
  • Can I bring a gazebo? Although we try to book good weather you are welcome to bring a gazebo if you feel it might be needed. However… please read the item below about stall set up as we need to maintain a clear route along the center of the walkways on the field for emergency access. Keeping all the stalls in line will help with this.
  • Stall setup We do not provide stalls so you will need a table or similar as appropriate to what you are doing.

Any other questions? Contact us via [email protected].